What is involved in the denture making process?
The basic stages of denture manufacture are as follows (these may vary depending on the type of denture you have made):
- Initial impression(s). Using a vanilla-flavoured alginate material, your Clinician will take an impression of your mouth.
- Special tray(s). Using moulds created from the initial impression, a special tray (the device used to hold the impression material) is made especially for the unique shape of your mouth. This enables us to get the most precise copy of your mouth possible.
- Bite block(s). A technique used to determine & measure the relationship between your upper and lower jaw.
- Try in. Your new artificial teeth are set in wax onto a base. This is your opportunity to assess the aesthetics of your new denture, and make any changes, prior to the denture being completed.
- Finish. Your final appointment in which your new denture is fitted.
- PIC (Post Insertion Check). Applies to DentureMax patients. Takes place 7 days after your denture has been inserted.
Small adjustments (eases) may be required after the denture is fitted. All appointments are included in the cost of your denture.